We've unlocked the vault

So that you can dive into a treasure trove of resources, templates and ready-to-use SOPs that will help you scale your online business with a mountain of ease.


Who is The Virtual Chapter?

Since 2020, Nivek and the team at The Virtual Chapter have been working behind-the-scenes in the operations of some of the leading coaches, course creators and online creatives.

Our mission is to give every online business owner and their team the tools they need to scale their operations with ease.

Shop the templates
  • Ready to Use

    We pride ourselves on creating templates and resources you can plug straight into your business and use right away - regardless of your tech-nerd status.

  • Implement FAST

    Instead of Googling or tinkering for hours on end, our templates & SOPs are designed specifically for coaches and creatives so you can implement them straight into your biz.

  • Customisable AF

    Our templates and SOPs are designed for you to drop straight into your business, but built with enough flexibility for you to make them work for YOU.

  • Slack Support

    You didn't think we'd just love and leave you? When you buy a template from us, you also get access to our private Slack community.